VIVID Gallery presents Fun with the Fox again this year on Wednesday, October 9, here in the plaza of The Shops at Sea Pines Center. The annual affair brings friends, food, and fun together in a place that art built.

Morbi vitae purus dictum, ultrices tellus in, gravida lectus.

“Every year, Fun With the Fox brings new friends and followers, and it’s become a kind of thank you for all the people who make it possible too,” said Jeff Keefer, the art photographer who founded VIVID Gallery.

Jeff donates the proceeds from VIVID Gallery year-round to the Michael J. Fox Foundation to find a cure for Parkinson’s Disease.

“Fun with the Fox grew out of our year-round efforts, as a way to bring the message to more people, and have fun while we do it,” Jeff said.

Spreading the Word

“With Lulu Kitchen serving the refreshments this year, Fun with the Fox just keeps people spreading the word,” said Jeff.

Southern Living magazine named Lulu Kitchen one of the top restaurants on Hilton Head Island for the past two years. And as the island’s favorite show band, Deas-Guyz brings high energy, and their own fan following to build on the proven fun of the evening.

“We exceeded our goals last year. Generous local sponsorships made it possible for every dollar of ticket sales to go to research for treatments and a cure,” Jeff Said.

Fun with the Fox proceeds go to the Michael J. Fox Foundation to find a cure for Parkinson’s Disease. Tickets for the evening are $75 at

So Many Ways to Enjoy

“Seeing how people enjoyed their evening the past two years, what we learned is that everything from cocktail conversations, dancing, to concert cheering, to perusing the art in the Gallery goes on at the same time,” Jeff said. “People found their own ways to move through the evening, and it was still going strong to the end.

“We arranged for more tickets this year because there’s room in the plaza for a few more friends, and we want to make it easy to pass the word.

The Cool Kids Come Early

Check in for ticket holders begins at 5:30 p.m. at the central entrance to the plaza at The Shops at Sea Pines Center. There are plenty of opportunities to enjoy friends, food, and fun before Deas-Guyz begins their set at 6:30 p.m.

A Thank You All Around

“Our faithful volunteers, generous sponsors, and the extraordinary merchants and restaurants that make up The Shops at Sea Pines Center make it all possible,” said Jeff. “And they’re a big part of making it all fun, too.”

Purchase your tickets at